Help shape TAA’s future! Nominate yourself or a colleague for a position on the TAA Council

The TAA Governance Committee is seeking nominees for the TAA Council, the association’s governing board. Open positions include TAA Council positions and three Officer roles: Vice-President/President-Elect, Treasurer, and Secretary. Any TAA member in good standing may serve on the TAA Council.

The deadline to submit a nomination is Monday, February 13, 2023.

All terms start July 1, 2023. The term for Council positions is three years. Officers serve two-year terms, with the Vice-President ascending to the role of President for an additional two-year term (subject to Council approval) and then Past-President for another two-year term.

TAA raises the alarm on book banning

In recent years an alarming number of books are being banned in U.S. public school classrooms, libraries, or both.

PEN America’s Index of School Book Bans lists 2,532 instances of individual books being banned, affecting 1,648 unique book titles and 1,261 different authors in one year’s period (July 2021 to June 2022). The American Library Association (ALA) reports that this current trend in 2022 is the highest number of book challenges since the American Library Association began recording this data over 20 years ago. The subject matter of these banned books relates to content on race and racism, gender identities, and sexual content.

Join Us Throughout the Month of November for #AcWriMo – Academic Writing Month

Every November, the Textbook & Academic Authors Association (TAA) joins with academic authors around the world to recognize and promote the month-long academic write-a-thon event, Academic Writing Month (AcWriMo). Started in 2011, this event encourages academic authors to focus on daily writing habits that move their projects closer to completion.

TAA is partnering with SAGE Publishing’s Methodspace to offer several resources for #AcWriMo throughout November 2022. Visit the TAA Blog each week in November for an article related to this year’s AcWriMo theme, “Intellectual Freedom & Integrity”.

Visit TAA’s AcWriMo 2022 page for events and activities open to TAA members and non-members.

11/9 TAA Webinar – Textbook Authoring Inspirations, Insights, and Innovations

Join us Wednesday, November 9 from 1-2 p.m. ET for the TAA Webinar, Textbook Authoring Inspirations, Insights, and Innovations. Award-winning nutrition textbook author Jamie Pope will share her journey to published textbook author and beyond and share insights into the textbook writing process, including:

  • How writing a textbook differs from writing trade book
  • Why you might want to consider writing a textbook
  • What background and experience you need to get the attention of a publisher
  • How to decide whether to write an introductory or upper-level textbook
  • How to negotiate an author-friendly contract

Advice: Do nothing

How is your schedule?

If you are like the rest of the people I know, you either:

  • Rolled your eyes,
  • Snorted,
  • Laughed,
  • Said, “Don’t ask,”
  • Had a dark cloud come over your face,
  • Or took a deep breath.

Feeling pushed to the max is the number one response I get nowadays when I ask someone about where they are with their writing and work.

9 Tips from TAA Conversation Circle discussions

The past three TAA Conversation Circle discussions were packed with tips and strategies from TAA members! Here are just 9 tips shared during these discussions:

Writing Strategies

“At the end of each day, I print out what I have drafted. And then the next day, whenever it is I ended the previous day, that’s my starting point, rather than trying to scratch my head and figure out where I was when I left off.” – Margaret Reece