Author Tech Tool Suggestions: For the Tech Bewildered

By John Bond

We are living in a Golden Age of technology for authors. But sometimes these new or improved tools can be intimidating. Here are some simple steps for getting started on considering these tools that might improve your writing output and quality.

Before we start, take an inventory:

  • Currently am I making the best use of my time?
  • Will new tools make me more productive?
  • What’s wrong with your current tools?
  • What is available to you now through your institution?
  • What’s your motivation for a change?

Michael Sullivan Donates $100,000 to Fund Lecture Series, Matching Gift Challenge

A generous gift from mathematics textbook author and long-time member Michael Sullivan will fund an annual lecture at the TAA annual conference and a 1:1 matching gift challenge to encourage additional gifts to support the association.
His $100,000 donation is the largest gift TAA has ever received. Michael is a past-president of the TAA Council, served several terms as TAA Council Treasurer, and has been a long-time member.

“Michael’s gift will allow TAA to provide a top-notch lecturer with expertise on the textbook or academic authoring and publishing industry to further our mission of supporting textbook and academic authors in their authoring pursuits,” said TAA Executive Director Kim Pawlak.

One-half of the gift, $50,000, will be used to fund the Michael Sullivan Lecture on Textbook & Academic Authoring, honoring the life and work of Michael Sullivan, who has authored or co-authored more than 120 mathematics textbooks, many of which have been published in multiple editions.

Academic Publisher Conducting Qualitative Research Project Needs Your Help  

Academic publisher De Gruyter is seeking humanities and social science authors willing to share their experiences publishing a book with an academic publisher and/or their plans to publish in the future as part of a qualitative research study they are conducting.

The study includes a 50-60-minute interview following a short survey that qualifies and prepares you for the interview process. Those who complete the qualitative interview will receive a $75 Amazon voucher. De Gruyter is being assisted in the research project by Prolifiko Consulting, owned by TAA member Christine Tulley. Complete the survey

How to write an academic book proposal

Academic book proposals are a necessary part of publishing a book. They help potential publishers see your work and what they could expect if they decided to publish it. There are a few things you should keep in mind when writing a proposal.

First, make sure you have all the information the publisher needs to assess the viability of publishing your book. Second, be sure to highlight the unique aspects of your book and how they will benefit readers. Third, be clear about what readers will get from reading your book. Finally, market your proposal effectively to publishers.

Q&A: What is the first step in launching my idea for an academic book project?

Q: I have an idea for an academic book. What is my first step in launching this project?

John Bond, Publishing Consultant, Riverwinds Consulting:

“Whether it be an academic monograph, textbook, or other type of book, the first step is to solidify ‘The Idea.’ This process has several components. My recommendation is approach this in a stepwise fashion: