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Nominate Yourself or a Colleague for a TAA Council Award

Nominate yourself or a colleague for one of four TAA Council Awards. These awards, which recognize individual achievements in writing or in service to TAA or fellow authors, are selected each year by the TAA Council of Fellows and Awards Committee.

The deadline for nominations is April 15, 2025.

Service Awards

Author Mentoring Award | Keedy-Anderson Award

Writing Awards

The Social Justice Award | Council of Fellows 

Learn more

Please note that all ​content on this site ​is copyrighted by the Textbook & Academic Authors Association (TAA). Individual articles may be re​posted and/or printed in non-commercial publications provided you include the byline​ (if applicable), the entire article without alterations, and this copyright notice: “© 202​4, Textbook & Academic Authors Association (TAA). Originally published ​on the TAA Blog, Abstract on [Date, Issue, Number].” A copy of the issue in which the article is reprinted​, or a link to the blog or online site, should be mailed to ​K​im Pawlak P.O. Box 3​37, ​C​ochrane, WI 5462​2 or ​K​im.Pawlak

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