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Busy TAA People: Brenda Ulrich, Zick Rubin Named to 2025 Edition of Best Lawyers

Zick Rubin and Brenda UlrichTAA members Brenda Ulrich and Zick Rubin, publishing and intellectual property attorneys with Archstone Law Group, PC, were named to the 2025 Edition of Best Lawyers in America®.

Brenda is recognized in the areas of Education Law and Media Law. Zick is recognized in the areas of Copyright Law and Education Law. Recognition by Best Lawyers is widely regarded by both clients and legal professionals as a significant honor, conferred on a lawyer by their peers. Their lists of outstanding lawyers are compiled by conducting exhaustive peer review surveys in which tens of thousands of leading lawyers confidentially evaluate their professional peers. Both Brenda and Zick have worked with many TAA members on contract negotiations, intellectual property issues, succession matters, and author-publisher disputes.

Congratulations, Brenda and Zick!

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