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Takeaways, ‘Aha’ Moments from 2024 TAA Conference

In a survey of attendees of the 2024 TAA Textbook & Academic Authoring Conference, which take place in Nashville June 21-22, several shared share a piece of advice, a takeaway, or “aha” moment they had while attending:

  • “The simple reminders about writing, with the focus on generating to make progress rather than getting caught up in the editing process.”
  • “The power of journaling and the affirmation that I have something to contribute to the field.”
  • “I learnt the importance of peer review and how essential it is in publication.”

  • “A key takeaway for me is to tell myself ‘you are generating, not editing’ when I sit down to write. This deliberate cue allows me to write more freely and productively in the early stages of a writing project.”
  • “There is incredible power in a supportive community, irrespective of disciplinary differences.”
  • “GenAI should not be used as a substitute for doing one’s own writing, but as a tool for improving what one has already written, as in quality of composition and elevated DEI standards.”
  • “I need to have more AI literacy.”
  • “The presentation on marketing your book was eye opening to me.”
  • “I was struck by how easy it is, as an author, to start building a digital presence and brand—thank you, John Bond, for the useful advice on how to market my book!”
  • “That the general consensus is that AI is here and we best learn how to use and work with it ethically and effectively in our work and with our students. I think the AI resistant folks left with a more open mind.”
  • “It is important to learn more about AI for all authors!”
  • “How AI could be used by authors.”
  • “After the first day I felt the confidence to pursue textbook authoring. Prior to TAA conference this year I did not see that as part of my identity at this point in my career. I walked away from TAA with textbook writing goals! I was not expecting that growth and shared this excited with colleagues and family.”
  • “How early a textbook author needs to start thinking about finding a coauthor when its time to retire from authoring a textbook.”
  • “We all benefit from sharing our ideas and experiences as authors, no matter where we sit in the world of authoring.”

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