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Macmillan Learning CEO Susan Winslow on ‘How Authors and Educators Can Shape AI’s Future in Education’

Susan Winslow, CEO of Macmillan Learning, delivered the Michael Sullivan Lecture on Textbook & Academic Authoring Keynote Presentation, “The Very Human Experience of Learning,” at TAA’s 2024 Annual Conference in Nashville June 20.

Macmillan Learning’s Senior Director of Communications Marisa Bluestone posted an article in the publisher’s online Macmillan Community about CEO Susan Winslow’s Keynote presentation at the 2024 TAA Conference, “The Very Human Experience of Learning.”

The article, “How Authors & Educators Can Shape AI’s Future in Education,” shared how Winslow’s discussion with the authors in attendance, many of whom are also faculty, “focused on the critical role that they can and should play in guiding AI use in the classroom.” Bluestone shared Winslow’s key message during the Keynote, that “learning is very much a human experience and while the integration of AI and other tech tools in educational settings may change how teachers teach and learners learn, the core of the experience—what makes us want to learn—has not.”

The article also included a recap of Winslow’s comments on AI in education today, how Macmillan is shaping AI through collaborative efforts, and practical steps for educators and authors to integrate with AI.

Read the full article.

Watch Winslow’s presentation.

Winslow’s keynote was the inaugural Michael Sullivan Lecture on Textbook & Academic Authoring.

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