Amazing, unforgettable, and well worth the trip: 2015 TAA Conference

Amazing, unforgettable and well worth the trip, this is how I would describe TAA’s 2015 Textbook & Academic Authoring Conference in Las Vegas, Nevada. I can’t give you just ONE conference takeaway—my takeaways are limitless—but here are just a few:
- Life-changing mentoring sessions with excellent scholars and mentors
- Networking opportunities with other doctoral students, colleagues, and professors
- One-of-a-kind friendly TAA staff and volunteers
- Scrumptious delicacies at every turn
As a doctoral student, I attend conferences quite often and this was one of the best. I was a first-time attendee and am very pleased that I chose this year to attend!
The conference began with a great GeoPrimer of the Las Vegas area, which I later found out has been a staple at TAA conferences for many years. Speaker Robert Christopherson, author of the best-selling physical geography textbook, Geosystems, provided such valuable and engaging information.
I found out how to become the “Master of my universe”! This was ground-breaking. Dr. King (Kathleen not Martin), professor of Adult and Higher Education at University of South Florida, skillfully explained various strategies and technology tools that can help manage our researching and publishing agendas more efficiently. She plainly stated that if we miss deadlines or milestones set, then we simply reset the date – after all, we are the masters of our own universe.
Puffins, did someone say puffins? I will never think of these cute creatures in the same way. Meggin McIntosh, professor emerita at the University of Nevada, Reno, descriptively and delightfully expounded on these wonderful animals as she gave great details about how marketing really does matter. Being the master of productivity, she told us all about obtaining our MWR (Most Wanted Response) and the importance of following through on the promises we make.
Finally, talk about POWER! (Promoting Outstanding Writing for Excellence in Research). This dynamic TAMU peer-led graduate writing support group shared their personal experiences about how this writing support group has benefitted their lives. Patricia Goodson, presidential professor of health education at Texas A&M University, expertly presented the POWER model components and strategies and how to implement this support system. You should have been there to see knowledge and POWER at play!
This year’s TAA conference was one to never be forgotten! I hope to see you next year in San Antonio, my home state of many years.
Ericka Landry is an Associate Professor at Lone Star College System in Houston Texas. She is currently a doctoral student at Sam Houston State University in the Educational Leadership program. She is a recent member of TAA and is actively seeking to become a better writer and ultimately an award-winning publisher.
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