It’s hard to narrow down one great takeaway from a conference that is jam-packed with great content. We’ve all been to a conference where only a few of the sessions were really great, but—and I’m not biased at all—at the 2015 Textbook and Academic Authoring Conference, every single session was great! But don’t just take my word for it. All eleven of the attendees I asked to give their number one takeaway said it was hard to give just one. Luckily, however, each was able to narrow it down and give really solid advice learned. I think you’ll not only enjoy these takeaways, but also, be able to learn and apply them to your own writing.
The most useful textbook & academic writing posts of the week: July 3, 2015
Writing is like exploring a new place you’ve never been to before. As with exploring, writing can be exciting and fast paced, but it can also be scary and difficult, or it can cause you to pause and reflect. Some explorations are done alone, while others are done with a companion or a group, just as writing can be done in solidarity or in a group setting. By exploring or writing with others, they are there to push you, to focus you, and to help you along the way.
The most useful textbook & academic writing posts of the week: June 26, 2015
Can you believe that we are already at the end of June? Have you found yourself sticking to your writing goals or does hearing that it’s the end of June make you want to run screaming in panic? You might not be screaming in panic, but you might be quickly assessing all that you have and have yet to accomplish this summer to meet the goals you set for yourself this past spring. Luckily, many of the articles below are focused on summer writing. Some reassuring there is still plenty of time to be productive and others on productivity and realistic writing schedules.
10 Inspirational writing quotes: In photos
Some days require a little extra motivation to fill a blank page with meaningful words. Other days require reassurance that you aren’t alone in the writing struggle. Finally, there are days when you just need to take a break and read a few quotes about writing to inspire you. So, allow yourself to take a break and enjoy these 10 inspirational writing quotes.
The most useful textbook & academic writing posts of the week: June 11, 2015
I think it’s safe to say summer has arrived—hot sunny days filled with the sounds of kids outside playing (or at least that’s what I imagine I would hear if I lived in a neighborhood and not in the middle of nowhere). Summer is by far my favorite time of year. I feel much more motivated to reach all of the goals I’ve set for myself when the sun is shining and the temperature outside is nearer to 80°F than 0°F. How about you? Do you feel you accomplish more in the summer? Do you stay on track with your writing? A few of the posts this week will, I think, help you stay on track with your writing this summer, while still actually enjoying summer. And, as always, happy writing!
10 Tips and strategies for keeping your writing on track this summer
We recently asked our members for advice on how to stay on track with writing projects during the summer months. Time and again, members said “set goals” and schedule “butt-in-chair” time. It was as though everyone kept screaming; “If you want it bad enough you’ll make the time for it!”