Command Your Pet Words

Pets can be wonderful—I loved my orange and white cat. But when I received an editorial critique before publication of my short story “Casey,” I was horrified to learn it sheltered a whole menagerie of unwanted editorial pets —words, phrases, and grammatical constructions.

“Casey” is a story about a middle-school boy who feels like an outcast and later discovers he has healing powers. When I received the acceptance email, I was elated. Then the editor emailed me again: “Every author has pet words and phrases. Part of my job is to point them out so you can get rid of them.” She attached the manuscript and highlighted a herd of my pet words and phrases, in oxblood.

TAA’s Textbook Awards Are Coming Back!

The TAA Textbook Awards are coming back, and we’ll begin accepting nominations on September 1. Get ready to apply! We’ll be accepting nominations for the following awards:

McGuffey Longevity Award – to recognize long-standing textbooks and learning materials that have been in print for at least 15 years.

Textbook Excellence Award – to recognize excellence in current textbooks and learning materials.
Most Promising New Textbook Award – to recognize promising textbooks and learning materials in their first edition.

TAA Signs Appeal to Governing Bodies to Uphold Protections, Overturn Exemptions Regarding Generative AI

TAA believes corrective action needs to be taken by the European Union and the United States Government to protect the financial and creative interests of authors. Along with 23 other creative and authoring organizations, TAA has signed an appeal to governing bodies to uphold protections outlined in the Berne Convention and overturn exemptions that allow AI technologies to reuse copyrighted materials without credit or compensation given to authors.