Rejection can be devastating and even crippling for a writer after pouring hours, months, or even years into a manuscript. Having strategies in place to help you cope with the sting of rejection will help move your writing forward. Here are five such strategies to use:
3 Steps to consider when crafting an article introduction
The introduction is perhaps the most important section of an article, but unfortunately it can be notoriously difficult to write. To help make the process less painful and more productive, Meagan Kittle Autry, the Director of Thesis and Dissertation Support Services at NC State University, shared advice for writing exceptional introductions in a recent TAA podcast entitled How to Write an Introduction That Will Get Your Article Accepted.
The most useful textbook & academic writing posts of the week: April 24, 2015
Every week I bring you what I feel are the most useful blog posts from around the web. So, I…
9 Incredibly useful productivity apps for writers
A couple of weeks ago I shared with you, 6 Tips for finding writing time. Yet, even if you find the time to write, how can you be sure to be productive and actually get words down on your page? The nine apps below will help you not only get words down on the page, but also keep your writing projects organized, track how long and how much writing you accomplished, and overall help you be a more productive writer.
Michael Sullivan releases new edition of his Precalculus textbook series
TAA member Michael Sullivan recently released the 10th edition of his Precalculus Series. The four-book series consists of College Algebra, Algebra & Trigonometry, Precalculus, and Trigonometry. Published by Pearson Education, the series aims to
Executive Director’s Message: Of Monkeys and Machines
Of Monkeys and Machines The ‘Infinite Monkey Theorem’ is the notion that if a monkey were to type random letters…