Member Spotlight: Michael R. Solomon

TAA member Michael R. Solomon is a Professor of Marketing in the Haub School of Business at Saint Joseph’s University and is a textbook and academic author in the marketing discipline.

He has published approximately 30 textbooks (including international adaptations) and over 60 journal articles. His most recent textbook is Consumer Behavior: Buying, Having and Being 12th ed., published by Pearson Education.

Member Spotlight: Al Trujillo

TAA member Al Trujillo is a Professor of Oceanography at Palomar College and a textbook author in the Earth Science: Oceanography discipline.

Most recently, he has published the 12th edition of Essentials of Oceanography with Pearson Education. This textbook is the market-leading college-level oceanography textbook worldwide.

Academic writing: Counting words of meaning?

Our priorities are reflected in our sense of professional identity. Are you an academic or a writer? Are you an instructor/researcher/research supervisor/committee member/conference presentation planner (not to mention parent, community volunteer and…) who is compelled to write in order to get, keep, or advance in a desired career? Do you see yourself as a writer who uses what you learn from your life and work to inspire others? Or are you looking for the right balance?

Member Spotlight: Robert H. Barlow

TAA member Robert H. Barlow is a textbook author and owner of Robert Barlow Educational Consultants.

Writing in the law discipline, he has had ten titles published since 1992. The three most recent are: Excel HSC Business Studies (2016) (update), Excel Preliminary Business Studies (update), and Excel Preliminary Legal Studies (2016) (update).

Member Spotlight: Laura Jacobi

TAA member Laura Jacobi is an Assistant Professor & Basic Course Director in Communication Studies Department at Minnesota State University, Mankato, and an academic author in the curriculum & instruction discipline.

She most recently published “The structure of discussions in an online communication course: What do students find most effective?” in The Journal of University Teaching and Learning Practice, 14(1) (2017) and is working on a publication coming out in July 2018 titled, “What motivates students in the online communication classroom? An exploration of Self-Determination Theory” to be published in Journal of Educators Online, 15(2). In addition to two publications coming out–one in March and one in July 2018, she has a book chapter in press, and published three other articles in scholarly journals in the last two years. Prior to the fall of 2015, she was working as teaching faculty and not actively conducting research.