Larson Texts and Big Ideas Learning Unify Under a Single Brand Identity

Larson Texts and Big Ideas Learning, founded by TAA member and multiple TAA Textbook Award winner Dr. Ron Larson, announced the unification of its two brand identities to Big Ideas Learning, a Larson Texts Company.

Both companies are leaders in K-Higher-Ed math education. According to a September 20, 2024 press release, Larson’s “contribution to mathematics education is monumental. From the publication of his first Calculus textbook in 1978 to the foundation of Big Ideas Learning, his vision has always been to make math accessible and engaging for students.”

TAA Member Phil Wankat’s Curation and Commentary of ‘The Academic Author’ Archives – Installment 3

The third installment of TAA Member Phil Wankat’s curation and commentary of the archival issues (1994 to 2010) of the The Academic Author, Contracts and Legal Comments, is now available. Articles include “Judges Frown Gravely on Plagiarists,” “Authors bristle at 10 percent electronic royalties.” “Protecting your rights to original art.,” and more.

A Copyeditor’s Suggestions for Tightening Up Your Prose

By Laura Poole

I’ve been copyediting scholarly nonfiction for many years now, and I have some gentle suggestions to academic writers who would like to tighten up their prose.

These are all suggestions at the phrase level, not the sentence level, to reduce wordiness, impose active voice, and improve flow. There are NOT hard-and-fast rules and should not be done as a knee-jerk reflex. There are times when these suggested edits won’t work or will change the meaning of the phrase; in these cases, don’t do them!

2025 TAA Conference Bookstore Featured Book: ‘A Prayer Book for Students and Teachers’

Rarely do we think of the need for prayer in a school setting, but prayer can be a source of sustenance and comfort as we meet daily challenges in our lives. In A Prayer Book for Students and Teachers, Dr. Karissa Lee-Hutchins has penned a series of prayers over most situations that arise in a school setting. These meditations are insightful and imbued with humility for anyone who is striving for success or advancement or is in need of comfort in times of challenge or transition.

Purchase in the 2025 TAA Conference Bookstore

5-Minute Guided Meditation Before Writing

By Kimine Mayuzumi

Do you have difficulty in writing lately? What gets in the way? Procrastination, distraction, lack of motivation or imposter feelings? A productive and sustainable writing experience often requires a good state of mind and physical wellness.

As my partner Riyad A. Shahjahan, a professor at Michigan State University and former certified coach for National Center for Faculty and Diversity Development (NCFDD), suggests, we as writers need “a mind that is decluttered so that we can give our full attention to the task at hand.” For that, we need a ritual. Why?