Have you registered yet? Here are the top 11 reasons why you need to attend TAA’s 28th Annual Textbook &…
Rossi receives TAA Publication Grant
Federico Rossi, at the Universidad Torcuato Di Tella – CONICET, received a TAA Publication Grant to defray expenses for copyediting related to the…
Play your cards right: Register today for TAA’s 28th Annual Textbook & Academic Authoring Conference
It’s no gamble! Play your cards right and win big by attending the Text and Academic Authors Association’s annual conference.…
Schulman receives TAA Publication Grant
Vanessa Schulman, an Assistant Professor in the School of Art at Illinois State University, received a TAA Publication Grant to support the…
9 Candidates running for TAA Council: Cast your votes!
Nine candidates are running for five open positions on the TAA Council, the association’s governing board. Three are officer positions, Vice…
The TAA Blog has a new name: ‘Abstract’
What’s a blog without a name? Isn’t it the name that says what the blog is all about? With that…