Complete your summer writing goals with a little help from TAA. This week only, sign up for a 60-day trial…
2015 TAA Conference photo booth a huge success! Check out some of the photos
More than 50 attendees at the 2015 TAA Conference took advantage of the free Photo Booth to get a headshot…
Amazing, unforgettable, and well worth the trip: 2015 TAA Conference
Amazing, unforgettable and well worth the trip, this is how I would describe TAA’s 2015 Textbook & Academic Authoring Conference in Las Vegas, Nevada. I can’t give you just ONE conference takeaway—my takeaways are limitless—but here are just a few:
Join us for the 7/23 TAA Webinar, ‘Why You Should Consider Self-Publishing & Print-on-Demand’
Learn why self-publishing and publishing on demand are very reasonable alternatives, by joining us Thursday, July 23 from 1-2 p.m. ET, for the TAA Webinar, “Why You Should Consider ‘Self-Publishing’ and ‘Print-on-Demand'”, presented by Robert Hoyt, M.D., author of Health Informatics: A Practical Guide for Healthcare and Information Technology Professionals, published by
Dulfano receives TAA Publication Grant
Isabel Dulfano, an associate professor of Spanish at the University of Utah, received a TAA Publication Grant to defray expenses related to the publication of her book, Indigenous Feminist Narratives- I/We: Wo(men) of an(Other) Way, published by Palgrave Pivot MacMillan.
Jaksa receives TAA Textbook Contract Review Grant
Joseph Jaksa, an associate professor of criminal justice and graduate program coordinator at Saginaw Valley State University, has received a…