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Busy TAA People: Felicia Moore Mensah Selected 2024 NARST Fellow

Dr. Felicia Moore Mensah, PhD, a Professor of Science Education at Teachers College, Columbia University and Chair of the Department of Mathematics, Science and Technology, was selected as a 2025 NARST Fellow. The NARST Fellows Program honors and recognizes members for their exceptional contribution to and excellence in research and service to the NARST community. The goal of the Fellows program is to create cohorts of scholars who will contribute toward fostering a sense of pride and community in the NARST organization.

Dr. Mensah is known for her transformative work in culturally responsive, culturally relevant, and socially just teaching practices. Her scholarship centers on diversity, equity, and social justice in science education. Her impactful research examines systemic barriers faced by Black and Brown students in STEM, emphasizing identity, agency, and racial literacy with teachers. She has published extensively in leading journals and created professional development resources that reshape teacher preparation and K-12 curricula through critical, equity-focused pedagogies. Dr. Mensah’s commitment extends to partnerships with New York City schools, where she has championed initiatives such as STEM/STEAM Days, Family Science Nights, and year-round professional development for teachers. By collaborating with educators and community leaders, she fosters hands-on, inclusive science learning experiences. Her influence reaches international audiences through advisory roles and collaborations that advance science education for diverse learners globally.

As the “Scholar Mentor,” Dr. Mensah has guided over 65 doctoral dissertations and served on more than 120 committees, supporting early-career Scholars of Color and doctoral students across the U.S. and beyond. Her leadership within the National Association for Research in Science Teaching (NARST), including her role as Co-Editor of the Journal of Research in Science Teaching, reflects her dedication to inclusive, high-impact scholarship. Her exemplary service, mentorship, and scholarship make her a respected leader and advocate for equitable science education worldwide. Congratulations, Felicia!


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