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2025 TAA Conference Bookstore Featured Book: ‘Government Contracting: Ethical Promises and Perils in Public Procurement’

This third edition of Government Contracting: Ethical Promises and Perils in Public Procurement by William Sims Curry incorporates research-based best practices, real-world procurement fraud cases, and offers recommendations for deterring fraud. This textbook is aimed at public administration, policy and procurement, along with public procurement postgraduate students and academics working in the fields of public administration, policy and procurement.

Purchase in the 2025 TAA Conference Bookstore

2025 TAA Conference logoFeature Your Book in the 2025 TAA Virtual Conference on Textbook & Academic Authoring Bookstore

Have a book of interest to textbook authors, scholarly journal article or academic book authors, graduate students, or faculty? Feature your book in the 2025 Virtual TAA Conference on Textbook & Academic Authoring Bookstore!


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