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Kevin Patton Receives 2024 Authoring Mentoring Award From TAA

Anatomy & Physiology textbook author Kevin Patton received the 2024 Author Mentoring Award from the Textbook & Academic Authors Association at the 2024 TAA Conference on Textbook & Academic Authoring in Nashville on June 22.

TAA’s Authoring Mentoring Award is given to a teacher, administrator, fellow author, or other professional colleague who takes extraordinary care to encourage and advise earlier career authors. Patton was nominated by Terry Thompson, a TAA member and Professor Emeritus of Biological Sciences at Wor-Wic Community College, who said he has served as a mentor to approximately 343 graduate scholars: “Academic and textbook authors across several disciplines have benefited from Kevin’s mentoring–in many different professional contexts. Through his numerous in-person and remote presentations, newsletter and blog articles, and podcast appearances, Patton has also indirectly contributed to the mentoring of countless academic and textbook authors. I wouldn’t be a member of TAA without Kevin’s influence and encouragement. I can’t think of a better way than this TAA Author Mentoring Award to acknowledge all his impacts as a mentor to so many people over the years.”

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