2/24 TAA Webinar: The Future of Textbooks

U.S. textbook publishers have been focusing on eTextbooks and all-inclusive access models in recent years, but how will that affect the future of print textbooks? Studies by Fredskild and Fredriksen (2020), show that students still preferred print textbooks over eTextbooks by 74%. Will this change in the rapidly evolving technological landscape, and how can print books still play a role in education in the future? Award-winning Norwegian EdTech Company Ludenso has partnered with one of Norway’s largest publishers, Aschehoug, to make their traditional textbooks come to life through Augmented Reality (AR), coupling it with relevant digital resources.
Join Eirik Wahlstrøm, Ingrid Skrede, and Harald Manheim from Ludenso on Thursday, February 24 from 1-2 p.m. ET for the TAA webinar, The Future of Textbooks, to learn what AR is and how it can be used in the existing and future print textbooks to better illustrate complex concepts and spark curiosity. In the webinar, you will get a live demo of the technology, insights into the research findings from the initial tests of using AR in classrooms in the Nordics, as well as a step-wise guide into how you as an author easily can bring your books to life.
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