To Promote Your Book, Consider a Webinar

In addition to all the social media, a webinar is an excellent promotional tool for your book. Combining PowerPoint slides and audio and posting on your website, YouTube, and the ubiquitous social media, a webinar delivers valuable information and shows you’re the one to deliver more. But you’ve gotta do it well, or people (potential readers/buyers of your book) will click off. As the proud veteran of one webinar (I blush to admit with some excellent feedback), here I share what I learned about designing and delivering an excellent webinar.

For the webinar on my book Trust Your Life: Forgive Yourself and Go After Your Dreams (Unity Books, 2011), I had wonderful help and structure from the publisher’s promotion director. You can achieve similar results alone or with a few seasoned colleagues. In any case, the steps are similar.

Crafting compelling conference proposals with the LASTT Model

Whether you’re a seasoned scholar or you are just now embarking on your academic career, presenting at conferences can provide invaluable benefits and experience. For some, conference presentations are an important part of a well-rounded tenure and promotion portfolio. For others, these venues serve as a vital catalyst for connection and collaboration. Yet, despite the numerous benefits of presenting, there’s relatively little guidance on how to craft a compelling conference proposal.

Sure, there are scads of resources that promise to guide presenters through the process of assembling a knockout slide-deck or delivering a masterful speech. But what good are all of these resources if you can’t get out of the slush pile of proposals to begin with? To get on the program, you’ve got to get past the reviewers, and that’s no small feat.