The most useful textbook & academic writing posts of the week: June 11, 2015

I think it’s safe to say summer has arrived—hot sunny days filled with the sounds of kids outside playing (or at least that’s what I imagine I would hear if I lived in a neighborhood and not in the middle of nowhere). Summer is by far my favorite time of year. I feel much more motivated to reach all of the goals I’ve set for myself when the sun is shining and the temperature outside is nearer to 80°F than 0°F. How about you? Do you feel you accomplish more in the summer? Do you stay on track with your writing? A few of the posts this week will, I think, help you stay on track with your writing this summer, while still actually enjoying summer. And, as always, happy writing!

United as writers: Why our struggles (and our triumphs) are the same

Let me be honest: I’ve never written a research paper that was published in a prestigious journal, or any journal for that matter. I’ve never spent grueling hours upon hours writing a dissertation. And I’ve certainly never written a textbook. However, writing has always been a part of my life. From always having a journal by my bedside, to writing stories, to starting my own blog.