NIH issues statement encouraging authors to publish NIH-funded research papers in reputable journals

In a statement released November 3, 2017, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) encouraged authors to publish NIH-funded research papers in reputable journals “to protect the credibility of published research.”

According to the statement: “The NIH has noted an increase in the numbers of papers reported as products of NIH funding which are published in journals or by publishers that do not follow best practices promoted by professional scholarly publishing organizations.”

FTC awarded preliminary injunction against publisher of online academic journals

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) was awarded a preliminary injunction by the U.S. Court of the District of Nevada against defendants OMICS Group Inc., iMedPub LLC, and Conference Series LLC, to stop them from engaging in alleged unfair and deceptive practices in the publication of online academic journals and the organization of scientific conferences.

The injunction also requires the defendants to identify assets and account for their current finances, and to preserve financial records.

Member Spotlight: Timothy M. Henry

TAA member Timothy M. Henry, Associate Professor and IT Graduate Director at the New England Institute of Technology (NEIT), is a textbook author in computer science and information technology with additional experience in the professional ethics discipline.

His most recent publication, co-authored with Sara Baase, is A Gift of Fire: Social, Legal and Ethical Issues for Computing Technology, Fifth Edition (Boston, Pearson Education, 2018). He has published two other books, both co-authored with Frank M Carrano: Data Abstraction and Problem Solving with C++ : Walls and Mirrors, Seventh Edition (Boston. Pearson Education, 2017) and Data Structures and Abstractions with Java, Fourth Edition (Boston. Pearson Education, 2015). The fifth edition of Data Structures and Abstractions with Java is going through page proofs for 2018 publication.