With membership in TAA, you are not alone. You become part of a diverse community of textbook and academic authors with similar interests and goals. We are pleased to announce the addition of 18 new TAA members who joined us in April 2019.
5/15 TAA Webinar: ‘How to Secure Our Media for Our Book and Brand’
Learn from a veteran of over 1,000 book publicity campaigns — the mistakes to avoid, the myths to debunk, and the proven strategies to execute. Understand what book publicity in 2019 consists of – it is not all about social media, but it cannot be ignored either. Join us Wednesday, May 15 from 11 a.m. – 12 p.m. ET for the TAA webinar, “How to Secure Our Media for Our Book and Brand,” where Brian Feinblum, Chief Marketing Officer, SVP for Finn Partners will sharehow to see yourself as a brand, how to market yourself, and how to recognize where you need support.
Just two weeks left to register early and save!
Early registration for TAA’s June Conference ends April 15. All rates increase by $50 after that date. Join us in Old City, Philadelphia, June 14-15 and prepare to be inspired!
TAA’s conference program features three writing tracks:
Academic Writing Track: Learn tips on how to plan your writing projects for maximum productivity; create writing that is clearer, better organized, and more compelling; revise at the macro and micro levels with efficiency; safeguard your scholarship; get started with conducting and writing systematic reviews; use qualitative coding to enrich data analysis; collaborate more effectively; and more.
Welcome new members to TAA: March 2019
With membership in TAA, you are not alone. You become part of a diverse community of textbook and academic authors with similar interests and goals. We are pleased to announce the addition of 36 new TAA members who joined us in March 2019.
Veteran academic authors Stevens, Caskey, Reeder, and Bertrand Jones to speak at TAA’s June Conference
Veteran authors Dannelle Stevens, Micki Caskey, and Julie Reeder of Portland State University, and Tamara Bertrand Jones of Florida State University will present “From the Blank Page to the Published Journal Article: Let’s Practice Strategies to Ensure Success” at TAA’s 32nd Annual Textbook & Academic Authoring Conference. The conference will be held in Old City, Philadelphia, June 14-15, 2019.
This hands-on presentation will focus on three key strategies designed to take you from the blank page to the published piece. From these four accomplished faculty, three of whom are journal editors, session participants will learn how to identify the most compatible journal for their work, carefully structure articles to meet expectations, and respond appropriately to feedback from journal editors.
Textbook & Academic Authoring Conference to feature sessions on contracts and royalties
TAA’s 32nd Annual Textbook & Academic Authoring Conference speaker and mentor panels will feature several industry experts on topics such as intellectual property, copyright, publishing contracts, and royalties. The conference will be held in Old City, Philadelphia, June 14-15, 2019.