Busy TAA People: Cassandra Baker

TAA member Dr. Cassandra L. Baker’s first book, Key Tools of Writing and Research: A Guide for the Student Writer, was published by Kendall-Hunt Publishing in January 2020. Baker is an instructor of business management at Gwinnett Technical College and founder of Prama Publishing and Sugar Hill Research and Consulting.

“TAA was exactly what I needed to assist me in succeeding with my project,” said Baker. “I am now writing my second book. Thank you TAA! I use the resources that TAA provides to continue educating myself on publishing and the publishing industry.”

TAA Membership Marketing Manager, Eric Schmieder, is a panelist on upcoming SAGE webinar

As part of Academic Writing Month (AcWriMo), TAA’s Membership Marketing Manager, Eric Schmieder will be participating in a SAGE Publishing webinar on Monday, November 16 titled “What do Publishing Trends Mean for Academic Writers?” moderated by TAA Council of Fellows member, Janet Salmons.

Today’s landscape of academic publishing encompasses much more than the traditional journal article. While academic writers still write books and articles, forms and formats are changing. Electronic journals can include links to media, and increasingly open access journals make it easier to reach academics, professionals, and practitioners outside a specific discipline.

11/5 TAA Webinar: Seven Time Management Strategies to Begin, Keep Working On, and Complete Your Projects

Most of us have had the experience of finishing a project at the last minute or late, and not being proud of what we have accomplished. Maybe we just couldn’t seem to find the time to devote to the project or we were frequently interrupted. Procrastination is a term applied to putting things off until later, but what can we do about it? Join us Thursday, November 5, from 1-2 p.m. ET for the TAA webinar, “Seven Time Management Strategies to Begin, Keep Working On, and Complete Your Projects” by academic author and coach Mary Beth Averill, who will explore 7 proven strategies for getting started, keeping at it, and finishing our projects.

Member Spotlight: Prs Murthy

TAA member Prs Murthy is a freelance IIT JEE physics professor and is both a textbook and academic author in the physics writing discipline.

His most recent publications are Rotational motion and gravitation (along with properties of matter) DPP Vol-3 and Oscillations and waves DPP Vol-5.

Summer 2020 TAA Writing Gym receives high marks, praise

Eighty authors participated in TAA’s six-week Summer 2020 Writing Gym, which was held July 20-August 31. The gym included templates for tracking writing time and developing a six-week workout plan, TAA Writing Gym-branded writing journal, weekly inspirational emails, 6 on-demand writing classes, several writing stations that allowed participants to target specific writing areas, and a Facebook Group for networking with other gym members.

In a survey sent out after the close of the summer gym, the majority of respondents gave the gym 5 stars, and rated features like the Facebook Group and Writing Classes as Very High Quality or Quality. “I loved the writing gym. It helped me get on track with my writing. The videos and short articles helped me with goal setting, organization, writing tips, etc. I highly recommend participating in the writing gym,” said Leslie Koberna. The majority of respondents said they averaged 2-4 days per week of writing while participating in the gym. Said Koberna: “Most of the time, I averaged 4 days a week, but the last two weeks I worked 6 days a week on my writing:).”