Share Your Book Contracts, Royalty Statements for Complimentary Review

TAA member Joseph Rust, CPA, CFP, an accountant with Prager Metis CPAs, is seeking authors interested in sharing their book contracts and royalty statements for a complimentary review. Rust would also like to know what authors’ concerns and questions are when it comes to their contracts and royalties statements. He plans to take the information he learns to provide resources, including a glossary of royalty statement terms, to TAA members in the coming months.

Please reach out to him directly at His full contact information can also be found in TAA’s Professional Directory.

Routledge Sells Out Authors to AI

by Janet Salmons, PhD

An unassuming post on LinkedIn asked “Have you ever published with Taylor & Francis, Routledge, CRC Press, F1000 or Dove Medical Press? If so the rights for AI to harvest your work have been sold to Microsoft which it will use to power MS Co-Pilot.”

Really. Funny thing, I never heard a peep about this from Routledge, even though I have three books published with them. I wrote to ask what the heck is going on, and received this response from a Taylor & Francis/Routledge Editor:

TAA Creates Policy on Creating Position Statements

The TAA Board approved a new policy on how the association develops position statements relevant to textbook and/or academic authors with the goal of addressing critical issues that affect its members.

The policy states that “Position statements must be aligned with the association’s mission to support textbook and academic authors in the creation of top-quality educational and scholarly works that stimulate the love of learning and foster the pursuit of knowledge.”