New Fall 2022 TAA Webinars – Learn and Grow

Join us as industry experts share their expertise on academic and textbook writing topics and learn and grow in 2022.

Fall 2022 Webinar Series

The Essential Actions of Academic Writing
When: Monday, September 19, 3 p.m. ET

Presenters: Nigel A. Caplan, PhD, Associate Professor and Manager, Graduate Programs and Online Learning, University of Delaware English Language Institute; and Ann M. Johns, PhD, Professor Emerita, Linguistics and Writing Studies, San Diego State University

How not to complete your dissertation

From my longtime academic coaching and editing practice guiding doctoral candidates through the peaks and gullies of completing their dissertations, I have seen how women in doctoral programs can easily become diverted by compassion for others in trouble. Well-meaning decisions and actions may result in calamitous consequences to their goal of a completed dissertation.

Although my experience has been primarily with women, if you are a man reading this, you may recognize some of these scenarios. In these stories (names and identifying details changed for their protection), you will see that tender-hearted consideration at the wrong times dangerously waylaid dissertation progress. If you’re a doctoral candidate writing (or not writing) your dissertation, perhaps these tales will confirm decisions to let no major interruptions complete your dreamed-of doctorate.

Have you opened a textbook lately?

Open access textbooks are becoming increasingly popular, with many universities now requiring that their students have access to open textbooks. There are a few different types of open textbooks, including those that are free to use, and those that are available for a fee. Open textbooks can be helpful for students who want to study without having to pay for books, and they can also be useful for teachers who want to create materials that are accessible to all students.

There are, however, some concerns about whether this trend is sustainable. Some believe that open access textbooks are fads that will eventually go away, while others some professors worry that the trend will not pay off for students.

How to write an academic book proposal

Academic book proposals are a necessary part of publishing a book. They help potential publishers see your work and what they could expect if they decided to publish it. There are a few things you should keep in mind when writing a proposal.

First, make sure you have all the information the publisher needs to assess the viability of publishing your book. Second, be sure to highlight the unique aspects of your book and how they will benefit readers. Third, be clear about what readers will get from reading your book. Finally, market your proposal effectively to publishers.

4 Secrets to a successful research grant application

If you are considering submitting a research grant application, there are some secrets to success that you should know. First, make sure that your proposal is well organized and that all the required information is included. Second, be sure to tailor your proposal to the specific funding opportunity that you are applying to. Third, be prepared to provide documentation of your research project and explain how it will benefit society. Fourth, be succinct in your writing and make sure that your proposal is easy to read.