In the previous tip, I argued for the use of exploratory writing—writing whose purpose is to explore ideas, not writing that helps you communicate with other people—and I’m going to follow up on that notion here to focus on the emotional difference between practice and performance—between writing to learn from the process and writing something that other people will see and evaluate. One of the main anxieties that people face is about how their work will be received, and if that can be put aside, even for a time, then writing anxiety can be reduced and writing productivity increased.
Welcome new members to TAA: February 2022
With membership in TAA, you are not alone. You become part of a diverse community of textbook and academic authors with similar interests and goals. We are pleased to announce the addition of 178 new TAA members who joined us in February 2022.
Most useful textbook and academic posts of the week: March 4, 2022
Are you in the mood to write? Perhaps you’re waiting for something. Perhaps you’re waiting for the right time, the right environment, the right words. But waiting isn’t writing. Pearl S. Buck said, “I don’t wait for moods. You accomplish nothing if you do that. Your mind must know it has got to get down to work.”
To help you get down to work, consider the articles in this week’s collection to help you move your project forward. Now is the time. Don’t wait. Happy writing!
3/16 TAA Webinar – Book Marketing and Social Media by Authors: Do’s and Don’ts
Publishers want authors to participate in the marketing and promotion of their new book. But many times authors are novices in publicizing their work. Join us Wednesday, March 16, 2022, 2-3 p.m. EST for “Book Marketing and Social Media by Authors: Do’s and Don’ts” presented by publishing Consultant John Bond, who will examine author marketing and social media efforts done right and done wrong. He will look at best practices for promoting their book, as well as explaining why some efforts are time consuming and produce little results. Real life examples will illustrate how authors can smartly and efficiently work with the publisher to market their work; social media included. An extended question and answer period will follow the presentation.
Scholars, balance between humility and self-respect
Whether you’re a doctoral student wrestling with the drafts of your dissertation or an academic author wrestling with the drafts of your article or book, you probably have encountered, or will, the often-intimidating presence and feedback of your chair or editor. As with any interpersonal relationship, it’s advisable to steer between abject obeisance and independent arrogance. Neither will get you what you want—approval of your dissertation or publication of your scholarly work.
In my academic editing and coaching profession, I suggest to clients that an optimum way to establish and maintain a good working relationship is a combination of humility and self-respect. Whatever your past accomplishments, humility before the perceived power of the chair or editor is required. Not that you must kowtow; they’ll know you’re toadying. Some students and authors have stellar long-term experience, titles, and positions, and likely make more annually than their chairs or editors, not to mention owning lavish summer homes. Nevertheless, humility is called for with the dissertation chair or editor. Not easy, I know.
Most useful textbook and academic posts of the week: February 25, 2022
Judy Reeves once said, “Probably the most important thing I’ve learned is that if I don’t make the time to do the writing, the writing won’t get done.” Are you making time for your writing? If not, what is holding you back?
Many of the common issues writers face – it’s hard, how do you finish, copy editing, self publishing considerations, open access, and marketing and reviews – are all covered in this week’s collection of articles from around the web.
This week, make time for your writing and get it done. Happy writing!